October 4, 2011
George mentions in his instructions that due to the plaster wall casting process the edges on the side walls will not be square/flush. George explains how to correct this.
I was baffled by this at first. You see, the side walls are the first I unwrapped from the bubble wrap in the kit's box. And when I gave them a once-over they looked square/flush. So I was not sure what George was referencing. I even went so far as to place a straight edge against the castings to verify if maybe my eyesight was deceiving me.
You can see some daylight there. I will correct this when I test fit the 4 walls. I still could not discern what George meant by "the edges on the two side ones have a slight angle." Perhaps mine were just fine. So I proceeded to unpack the remaining walls, the taller ones with a peak in the middle. I am sure there is a technical architectural term for that peak. But I have no clue what it is.
Do you see what I see?
I need to take a closer look.
click the image above to view the full size photo in glorious detail
Something went awry. Are those eaves and peak damaged?
No biggie. I have an idea how to mask the damage.
That is my neighbor's roof. I see it each and every time I step out in my back yard. Can you see the rotten eave?
Let's take a closer look.
click the image above to view the full size photo in glorious detail
That is what I will do. I will model rotten eaves on Yehuda's. Surely it was not uncommon to let an eave go bad after a while.
However, what do I do about the peak? Mmmm... I have an idea. I'll clue you in on it once I get the brick structure assembled. It'll make more sense then.
Even though that one casting is damaged. The detail on it is fantastic. I gather that the casting was damaged when it was removed from its mold. I searched inside the yellow box and found no plaster chips gone astray.
Next up, step 2; cleaning out the windows. All 16 of them.